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Department 5 - Sheep

Lindsey Mogg............................................ Superintendent

Entered - Sunday 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Showmanship Tuesday 4:00 p.m.

Judging will follow Cloverbud Show

1.   Sheep weigh-in is the second Saturday in May. Each youth exhibitor may choose from the following options: Option A - Each exhibitor may weigh in three lambs at the May weigh-in. Each exhibitor may bring up to two lambs to the fair. Option B - Within immediate families having more than one exhibitor, each exhibitor may weigh in up to two lambs. One separate lamb may be weighed in as the "family alternate". Each exhibitor may bring only two animals to the fair. The "family alternate" must be designated and recorded with the superintendent at the first weigh in.

2.   There will be no replacement of market lambs after 45 days from the weigh-in date.

3.   Replacement animals must be tagged by appropriate superintendent and will not be eligible for rate of gain competition.

4.   The lamb show will be a ewe and wether show. Each lamb exhibit shall consist of two wethers, two ewes, or a combination of either. Champions will be selected in the following categories: Champion Wether Champion Ewe, Reserve Champion Wether, Reserve Champion Ewe, and Supreme Champion.

5.   All breeds will show together in the market class.

6.   Charts must be posted above animals showing show weight and daily rate of gain.

7.   Lambs not sold at the auction sale are the responsibility of the exhibitor, to make arrangements with superintendents, for removal from the fairgrounds, not before 4:30 a.m. Sunday.

8.   Rate of Gain Champion will be figured on an individual basis, not a pen. Rate of Gain will be figured up to a maximum of 155 pounds.

9.   Any animal born and raised in Isabella County may participate in the Isabella County Bred Show.

10. Sheep will be weighed on entry day of fair week, and must be at least 100 pounds to be sold at auction. Sheep weighing less may be shown showmanship classes only, but not sold.

11.  All blankets must be removed from sheep before going across the scale at fair weigh-in.

12. No drench feeding, hydration or medication of lambs. Any lamb requiring drench medication must be approved and supervised by a veterinarian. Tampering and/or misrepresentation of age, ownership, and any other irregularity in showing will be considered fraud and deception. Violation will result in the forfeiture of sale privileges. Unethical fitting or gluing of the hide or underneath the hide or removal of tissue to alter the shape of the animal, injection of any gas, solid or liquid under the hide to alter the normal conformation of the animal will also result in the forfeiture of sale privileges.

13. Read the general rules and the special rules for Auction Sale of Livestock.



Immediately following showmanship classes, for all youth under 4-H age of 8. Ribbons are awarded.





196-198   8 year old

199-201   9 year old                 

202-204   10 year old               

205-207   11 year old



208-210   12 year old

211-213   13 year old

214-216   14 year old

217-219   15 year old



220-222   16 year old

223-225   17 year old

226-228   18 year old

229-231   19 year old


               SECTION 2 - MARKET LAMBS

240 - 242  Weight Ewe

243 - 245  Weight Ewe

246 - 248  Weight Ewe

249 - 251  Weight Ewe

252 - 254  Weight Wether

255 - 257  Weight Wether

258 - 260  Weight Wether          

261 - 263  Weight Wether


Classes will be divided into additional weight groups providing the number of entries warrant a division.



Any animal born and raised in Isabella County may participate in the Isabella County Bred show.



264 Weight

265 Weight

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