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 Superintendents: Jeff Bluemer,  Doug Stevens


1.   Open to Isabella County exhibitors who have reached his/her 8th birthday on January 1st  of the current calendar year and who have not had training in judging of livestock beyond that received in 4-H and FFA programs.

2.   At least 4 classes will be judged and the Superintendents reserve the right to add classes as they deem appropriate up to, and not to exceed, two classes of each species.

3.   Superintendents may reserve the right to add up to two classes of reasons either written or oral as deemed appropriate.

4.   Trophies are to be awarded to both the Jr. and Sr. Champion Judges.

5.   Judging for the official placing will be a joint decision of the Superintendents and the Livestock Judge for the fair. Judges’ decisions will be final.

6.   Participants may sign up as late as the time of event with the superintendent.

7.    Livestock judging will be Friday at 1:00 p.m.



  40  Livestock Judging Contest, Jr. ages 8-13

  41  Livestock Judging Contest, Sr. ages 14 & up 

  42  Dairy Judging Contest - Jr. ages 8-13 

  43  Dairy Judging Contest - Sr.  ages 14 & up

Team fitting contest will be Friday morning at 10 am.


Livestock Producer’s Association pays premiums for the livestock judging classes and Dairy Boosters pays premiums for dairy judging.   

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