
Theresa Frederick - Superintendent Micca Crampton - Assistant Superintendent Kenzie Karcher – Teen Superintendent
4-H Goat entry - Sunday 4-6pm
All goats must be vet checked prior to entering the barn. - $0.50 charge per animal, paid at entry time. No goats allowed in barn until vet gives the okay. Project records must also be turned in at this time. All wethers and market doe kids are to be weighed as they check in at 4pm or shortly after, once a vet is present.
Goat Show: Wednesday, 9:00am
The Hand Milking Contest will be held on the second Saturday of fair week at 11 am in the Small Animal Barn.
The purpose of this project is to expose the 5–7-year-old member to information about the goat as a pet. Through the process of learning how to care for a pet goat, proper housing and feed, etc., it is hoped that the Cloverbud will choose to pursue the regular 4-H Goat Project when they reach the age of 8. It is not necessary for a Cloverbud to own his/her own goat since many of these may already have a brother or sister involved in the goat project. Cloverbuds will be allowed to show only in goat showmanship after the other goat members have shown. The goat kid will not be judged for conformation. Goats brought to the fair will be left all week and would need to be cared for the same as regular 4-H goats and meet the same general requirements for feed dishes, etc.
Cloverbud 5-7 year olds are not required to fill out project records, nor will they be allowed to sell in the Small Animal Auction.
Leaders or parents of Cloverbuds with questions may contact the goat Superintendent and work out a suitable exhibit for Cloverbuds.
1. In addition to the following details, refer to General Small Animal Guidelines, Project Records and Auction Rules for related information and requirements.
2. All goats to be auctioned and coming to the fair must be properly scrapie tagged before hauling to fair, even Cloverbud animals. IT IS STATE LAW. Please refer to Michigan Sheep and Goat Official ID information on page 110 and sign Exhibitor Agreement Form on page 111.
3. Meat breed does and market doe kids may have horns. However, wethers must be dehorned and cannot have sawed off horns or scurs over two inches in length.
4. All animals must be milked out 14 hours before showtime.
5. All 4-H members must raise, care for, and own their own animals by May 1 of the current year, including wethers.
6. It is the responsibility of each member for the care and feeding of his/her animals the entire week of fair -- refer to #7 in general small animal guidelines. Improper care most likely will result in animals being sent home and forfeiture of awards. All members are required to help with set-up the Thursday before fair and take down/clean up the second Sunday of fair. A $50 charge will come out of the member’s auction check if pen set up and take down responsibilities are not fulfilled.
7. Grade animals will compete in same classes as registered animals.
8. Animals must be body clipped per their breed standard prior to entry day. No body clipping allowed at fair. Dairy goats are to be totally body clipped.
9. The order of classes listed is not necessarily the order of show. Order will be posted on the day of the show.
10. Absolutely no adding entries or changing classes on the day of the show. Any changes must be made day of entry.
11. The number of animals being brought to the fair as well as the number of pens required must be on the fair entry form; there is a maximum of four animals per exhibitor.
12. Only one entry allowed per exhibitor per class.
13. If dairy goats (including wethers) are crossed with non-dairy type goats, such as pygmy, angoras or boers, the offspring will show in meat classes.
14. Dairy goat attire: white shirt and white pants. Meat goat attire: nice shirt and jeans. NO open-toed shoes allowed at any time.
15. Trophies will be awarded to the top entry for each section that has at least four entries and ONLY if the judge warrants. For sections having at least fifteen entries, a first runner-up may also be awarded but ONLY if the judge warrants.
16. Any 4-Her exhibiting a wether over one year old or a dry DAIRY doe over 2 years old not in milk MUST also enter at least one miscellaneous class i.e.- pack or driving. Club herd is NOT a miscellaneous class.
17. Pens will be assigned by the Superintendent.
18. Animals must be shown in a show collar or a show halter. Dairy animals should be in a show collar but may use a show halter.
19. ALL animals will be checked in by the superintendent and the vet on the first Sunday of fair week and remain until checked out on the last Sunday of fair week. Check out needs to go through the goat superintendents. NO early check-out allowed.
Sr. Showmanship will be judged first. All 4-Her’s must participate in showmanship to sell in Small Animal Auction.
1001 Junior Goat Showmanship, age 8
1002 Junior Goat Showmanship, age 9
1003 Junior Goat Showmanship, age 10
1004 Junior Goat Showmanship, age 11
1005 Intermediate Goat Showmanship, age 12
1006 Intermediate Goat Showmanship, age 13
1007 Intermediate Goat Showmanship, age 14
1008 Senior Goat Showmanship, age 15
1009 Senior Goat Showmanship, age 16
1010 Senior Goat Showmanship, age 17
1011 Senior Goat Showmanship, age 18
1012 Senior Goat Showmanship, age 19
All does must be milked and hand inspected by the superintendent at 7pm the night before the show.
1013 Yearling Doe, 1 year old and under 2
1014 Junior Doe, 2 years old and under 3
1015 Intermediate Doe, 3 years old and under 5
1016 Senior Doe 5 years old and older
1017 Best Udder
1018 Dam & daughter - preferred in milk, two generations preferred in milk.
1019 Dam & 2 daughters, daughters preferred in milk, three generations preferred in milk.
1020 Get of sire, 3 does from same sire, different dams, preferred in milk.
SECTION 3 - JUNIOR DOE (Not in Milk)
1021 Junior Doe Kid, born on or after April 1 of this year
1022 Intermediate Doe Kid, born March 1 through March 31 of this year
1023 Senior Doe Kid, born January 1 through February 28 of this year
1024 Junior Yearling, born May 27 through December 31 of last year
1025 Senior Yearling, 1 year and under 2 years-not in milk
Born December 1- April 30 of this year
(Must have milk teeth present)
1026 Wethers 40lbs. – no maximum weight
1027 Nigerian Dwarf Wether 18 - 40 lbs.
1. All wethers must be properly castrated, dehorned and tagged by spring weigh-in date. Market does also need to be tagged and weighed-in on spring weigh-in date.
2. All wethers being raised for sale at the small animal auction must be of prime meat quality and must weigh at least 40lbs at fair weigh-in; Nigerians must weigh at least 18lbs.
3. All wethers must be dehorned.
4. All wethers will be weighed twice - once at the fairgrounds on the first weekend in May and again on fair entry day.
5. A 4-Her may weigh-in two wethers, but may only enter one at the fair.
6. All wethers sold for meat must be medication free for at least 30 days prior to fair. No exceptions.
1028 Junior Doe kid, born on or after April 1 of this year
1029 Senior Doe Kid, born Jan 1 - March 31 of this year
1030 Junior Yearling, born May 27-Dec 31 of last year
1031 Senior Yearling, 1 year old and under 2
1032 Junior Doe, 2 to 4 years and under 5 years old
1033 Senior Doe, 5 years and over
Born December 1 through April 30 of this year
(Must have milk teeth present)
1034 Wethers and market doe kids need to be 40 lbs. – no maximum weight
1035 Pygmy Wether 18 - 40 lbs.
1. All wethers must be properly castrated, dehorned and tagged by spring weigh-in date. Market Doe kids also need to be tagged and weighed by spring weigh-in date.
2. All wethers must be dehorned.
3. All wethers and market doe kids being raised for sale at the small animal auction must be of prime meat quality and must weigh at least 40lbs at fair weigh-in; Pygmy’s must weigh at least 18lbs.
4. All wethers and market does will be weighed twice - once at the fairgrounds on the first weekend in May and again on fair entry day.
5. A 4-Her may weigh-in two wethers or two market doe’s and or a wether and a doe but may only enter one of the animals at the fair.
6. All wethers and market does sold for meat must be medication free for at least 30 days prior to fair. No exceptions.
7. Market doe kids will show in the same classes as the wethers and are NOT eligible to show in the MEAT BREED DOE classes too.
8. Market doe kids can have horns.
1036 Homegrown (dairy) wether
1037 Homegrown (meat) market wether/market doe kid.
For the homegrown classes ,the exhibitor must own the doe/dam before the kidding in which the kid came from. Exhibitor must raise the wether and or the market doe kid from birth.
Wethers shown in the homegrown dairy wether and or the homegrown meat wether class must be properly tagged, dehorned and weighed-in at the scheduled May weigh-in date and on fair entry day.
Market doe kids shown in the homegrown class must be properly tagged and weighed-in at the scheduled May weigh-in date and on entry day. Market doe kids DO NOT NEED to be dehorned.
1038 Club Herd - Four 4-Hers from the same club with each member exhibiting their best already shown animal
1039 Driving Class
1040 Pack Goat
1041 Goat Project Record (long form only)
The contest will be held on the second Saturday of fair week at 11:00 am in the Small Animal Barn. You must be a 4-Her of Isabella County, enrolled in 4-H to participate. Winner is determined by weight of milk in time allowed:
1042 Junior Milker - Ages 8, 9, 10, and 11 years old; time allowed is 60 seconds.
1043 Intermediate Milker - Ages 12,13 and 14 years old; time allowed is 45 seconds
1044 Senior Milker -Ages 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 years old; time allowed is 30 seconds