DEPARTMENT 3 - Dairy Feeders
Superintendents: Mike & Mandy Lattimer, Brian Courser, Mattea Goffnett, Brooklynn Lattimer
Enter Sunday - 11:00 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Showmanship and Judging begin Monday 9:00 a.m.
Dairy breeds will be limited to Holstein, Guernsey, Jersey, Brown Swiss and Ayrshire.
1. Dairy feeder weigh-in is the 3rd Saturday in March.
2. There will be no replacement of dairy feeders after 65 days from the weigh-in date. Replacement animals must be tagged by appropriate superintendent and will not be eligible for rate of gain competition.
3. This project is open to Isabella County youth ages 8 -19.
4. Classes will be divided so that nearly an equal number of steers will be shown in each weight class. Champions will be selected in the following categories: Champion Light Weight Dairy Feeder, Champion Medium Weight Dairy Feeder, Champion Heavy Weight Dairy Feeder, Reserve Champion Light Weight Dairy Feeder, Reserve Champion Medium Weight Dairy Feeder, Reserve Heavy Weight Dairy Feeder and Overall Champion Dairy Feeder. Overall Champion Dairy Feeder will be selected from division (light weight, medium weight, and heavy weight) champions.
5. Each exhibitor may choose from one of the following options. Option A - Each exhibitor may weigh in two dairy feeders at the March weigh in date. Option B - Within immediate families having more than one exhibitor, each exhibitor may weigh in one dairy feeder each, with one feeder being weighed in as a “family alternate.” The “family alternate” must be designated and recorded with the superintendent at first weigh in. Each exhibitor may only bring one animal to the fair to be shown.
6. Feeders will be weighed in on entry day of fair week, and must be at least 400 pounds to be sold at auction. Feeders weighing less may be shown in showmanship classes only, but not sold.
7. Charts must be posted above animals showing show weight and daily rate of gain.
8. Youth exhibitors will exhibit animals for judging and participate in showmanship classes.
9. Grand, Reserve and Rate of Gain winners need to be moved to champion pens by 10 AM the day following the show.
10. Be sure to read the general rules and special rules for sale of livestock.
11. Rope halter shall remain on livestock until the animal is released from the fairgrounds. Failure to do so will result in a $20.00 fine per animal. Money will be taken out of Livestock Producer’s check from the sale. Money will be placed in a building fund for the barns.
48-49 8 year old
50-52 9 year old
53-55 10 year old
56-58 11 year old
59-61 12 year old
62-64 13 year old
65-67 14 year old
68-70 15 year old
71-73 16 year old
74-76 17 year old
77-79 18 year old
80-82 19 year old
Market feeders will be split into light weight, middle weight, and heavy weight classes.
83-85 Weight
86-88 Weight
89-91 Weight
92-94 Weight
95-97 Weight
98-100 Weight
101-103 Weight
104-106 Weight
107-109 Weight
110-112 Weight